I was heavily involved in refreshing SVG export from Illustrator and Photoshop. I was lucky enough to be able to play a major role in decision making in this project.
Snap SVG is an SVG manipulation library that I have built as a part of my work at Adobe. It is sort of Raphael.js without support for legacy browsers.
Lines is a remake of an old computer game from 90s. I made this version as a part of JS1K competition where it made it to the final and got a special prize. Be careful, game is very addictive. Actually, this page alone generates 90% of my traffic.
Raphaël is a JavaScript vector library for graphics manipulation that was released in 2008. It provided adaptor between modern browsers with SVG and IE family browsers with proprietary VML technonlgy. For quite a while it was the only native solution for cross browser drawing.