Δmitry Baranovskiy

JavaScript Artist

⌊2π⌋ Nuggets

  1. Bézier Easing
  2. Distance to an Ellipse
  3. Representing the Sine Curve as Cubic Bézier
  4. Editing the Curve
  5. Polka Dot Exploration
  6. Page Margins Calculator



Adobe Illustrator SVG export

I was heavily involved in refreshing SVG export from Illustrator and Photoshop. I was lucky enough to be able to play a major role in decision making in this project.


Snap SVG

Snap SVG is an SVG manipulation library that I have built as a part of my work at Adobe. It is sort of Raphael.js without support for legacy browsers.



Lines is a remake of an old computer game from 90s. I made this version as a part of JS1K competition where it made it to the final and got a special prize. Be careful, game is very addictive. Actually, this page alone generates 90% of my traffic.



Raphaël is a JavaScript vector library for graphics manipulation that was released in 2008. It provided adaptor between modern browsers with SVG and IE family browsers with proprietary VML technonlgy. For quite a while it was the only native solution for cross browser drawing.